Thursday, October 14, 2010

Art of McSweeney's

Here is a new book that just arrived on my doorstep, and it's a real honor to be a part of it. McSweeney's has published an ultra-deluxe volume about their book design endeavors, and each book entry is accompanied by design images and anecdotal tales about the making of the book. Interview snippets throughout. Dear New Girl or Whatever Your Name Is occupies a couple spreads, and there are some educational sections about the practicalities of publishing McSweeney's and The Believer. This book makes me excited about printed matter (again).

Ada Books, Providence R.I.

I'll be reading at Ada Books this coming Saturday, October 16th, at 6pm. Sumanth Prubhaker will be reading is a truly special east coast bookstore...Come on down or spread the word! Thanks...